Teenage Fight Club


So we have decided on what we are doing. We talked in class on Monday and decided to do a fight scene, but a more complex fight scene. So my main part is to write the script for this portfolio so I dived deep into research. I went on writers digest to see how to successfully write a fight scene. So there are three main points to making a good fight scene it must help develop the plot of the story and advance the character development,  the actions the character takes must also play a part in who they are and their ideals. It also speaks about how every fight must be unique and choreographed as such. I found these tips quite helpful in my inspiration for this scene but I still can't get a clear view of how I'm going to do it. Tomas idea for lighting was to use 4 different headlights to display a street fighting scene. Having a crowd of people watching on as two people fight in the middle. I find it to be quite problematic, to what extent will this fight scene look real, I mean we are amateurs and its a high school project how professional can we make this fight. That's my main worry. So the more I looked into writers digest the more difficult it became clear for me to fully understand how I was going to portray this fight scene correctly. I looked on premium beat to see how to make a professional looking fight, what I found was exactly what I suspected, weeks of training and carefully planning every move. Also we are not professional stunts-men and I would really not like to hurt anyone during production. These are my main worries, I will discuss with the group and get back with more ideas. We are still developing what we want exactly. I guess that's the problem with 4 different creativity working on one main project. You can't all make a unanimous decision.

