Final Concept and Execution

It's me once again. So Friday we met once more and decided on the final concept for our project. So the scene is going to be a man/woman, who is clearly beaten up, in the hospital room in what looks like a very critical condition. As the camera moves around the room, you can hear slight incoherent sounds in the background. We plan on mixing this with the sound of a heart beating or maybe heavy breathing. Still in the works on that part. As the scene progress the audience realizes it's a news report talking about an illegal street fight that occurred the night prior to this morning. The goal is to develop the sense of hardship and illegality connected to the boxing career when one is not professional. As the camera pans around the room, we will have quick cuts back and forth of the fight. We will finish our 2 minute opening by having the news anchors, "Will they be ready for the Championships in 3 months?" to which our fallen fighter will open their eyes.
Why did we choose this? So the quick cuts back and forth between the fight and the hospital room allows for the fight to be much more amateur. As I said in my previous blogs, it was one of my main concern, I was highly worried about the fight because I didn't know how we would be able to make it look real. Showing snippets of the fight allows us to trick the audience in a way, showing a fight to help develop the plot, but not risking looking like a failure. My other concern was how were we going to get a hospital room, I mean we can't exactly walk into a hospital and request a room, but Rafa's father is doctor so he could help us on that front.
This is the main idea for now. I really think it could work, and if edited right we won't miss our goal.
Next goal.
Woman lead.
I'll keep you guys updated!
