A Perfect Disaster.

Last night was an absolute mess. Nothing went how it was planned. We got to Markham at around 7:30 like planned. Little did we know the park closed at 7:30.
Somehow no one got stopped at gate, we were all there. Everything was ready and the cars had been set up to show our boxing ring. The actors had all the make up and they looked sweaty and mad. We started filming a few opening shots.
From the corner of our eyes we see Markham park security pulling up. We all freaked out. To be quite frank the whole boxing ring looked suspicious. It looked exactly like an illegal street fight, which served our portfolio, but not our situation.
After a brief talk, the guard told us we needed to vacate the park, so we started to get into our cars, and like sheep, we were herded away from the open field.
11 cars got in line following our leader Tomas to another filming location close by, little did we know the whole night was about to take a turn.
As we left the park, talking on the phone figuring out what we were going to do, the sky opened up and it started to pour.
We all went our separate ways, saying that we would figure it out later and try to record soon.
