Still Lost in the First Stage

So we still can't reach a decision. Tonight all I can say is we talked about it. After I posted my post last night I texted my group to see what ideas they had. None of us have reached a choice. We are now considering a modern horror story that mixes the idea of kidnapping and horror. We also considered a high school party idea that could take multiple types of stereotypes into play. This is my favorite idea. Like I said in my past posting, I really do want some sort of message in our piece. I feel the need to relate to society today and sort of explain it through our art. I guess we will reach our final choice at school on Monday. For right now I'm going to try to think of plot lines and how one can subliminally hint at all the stereotypes present in a high school party. Also to what extent of "school appropriate" are we going to keep it. I highly considered a story on drinking and driving, but then thought how can we do that without coming off as a PSA. Anyway. I'll keep you guys updated, hopefully next post will have a definite choice for our Portfolio.
